If you ask any of the iPhone users, whether it be iPhone 5 or latest iPhone 7S user, that what is the biggest issue you have with your device? As per my understanding, it will be the battery issue. As we all are aware that iPhone battery capacity is small all though it has been optimized to cater our needs, it dies much before our expectations.
Android users have the option to go for the device which has a bigger battery life, as they have a plenty of options on hardware front from different OEM’s. But unfortunately, we iPhone users lack that option.
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So, we will keep the thing aside which is not in our control and discuss on what we can do to get the maximum from the available juice on the device. These are handy tips when you need to last the device battery life for the maximum hours.
Turn off app Auto refresh
Auto refresh is one of the cool features of iOS which can help you get your news feeds on Facebook, twits on twitter updated on the App and will help you get all the latest activity across your circle without wasting your single minute. But wait, what if I say these auto refresh is killing your battery drastically. We would suggest you should turn this feature off to get the maximum out of your device battery.
You can close this feature by going to "background app refresh" in "general" under "settings."
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Turn off location tracking
Keeping the location service, all the time is of no use. Location service is accessed by many Apps installed on your device at different and multiple time to give you the updated data near you. But again, this might not be needed to you on regular basis. So, we would request you to use the location when needed and the best part of this is it will help you save more power on your device.
You can control this on Location tracking, you will find it located under "settings," then "privacy." Then turn off location tracking for all your apps.
Turn down brightness
iPhone display is one of the best display in the smartphone, all though Apple has not used OLED display till iPhone 7, still it gives the best resolutions but keeping the display on full brightness is not a great thing for the battery life.
To make most out of device battery life we would recommend keeping your iPhone display brightness between 40-50%. This will help you in increasing the battery life of your device.
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Change mail settings
Navigate to "fetch new data" under "mail, contacts, calendars." Then turn off push and switch from "every 15 minutes" to "hourly."
Use low power mode
When you are traveling or going to a party where you know that chances of getting the power socket are very less, we recommend switching your device to “low power mode” this will help your device battery last longer than usual.
You can turn on iPhone's low power mode by going to "Settings," followed by "battery."
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